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J 16   1868

Bu. R.F. and AL Office C.Q.M.
and D.O. Raleigh N.C. June 5. 68

Johnston Thos. P.
Bt. Lieut. Col. C.Q.M & D.O.

Encloses Draft No 3484 of Raleigh Natl Bank on Natl Bank Republic N.Y. for $218.03 in payment of following vouchers

Lt. John M Foote  Postage Apl.  $3.81 
Lt. John M Foote  Postage May.  5.56 
Chas H Horton  Salary May  99.16 
E M Jones  Rent of Office  10.00 
Putnam Shepherd.  Carptr  18.75 
Thomas P Moore.   Carptr  15.00 
C R Petersen & Co  Sash &c  19.75 
Crookston, Martindale & Co  Lumb  46.50 

Rec'd. Sub. Div of P. June 11th, 68

Transcription Notes:
ignore lines on page corrections not a table, just a list