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J. 27.  1868.

Bu R.F. & AL. Office C.Q.M. & D.O.
Raleigh N.C. Nov. 5th. 1868,

Johnston, Thos. P.
Bvt Lieut Col. C.Q.M. & D.O.

Encloses Draft No 400. ofo 
Raleigh Natl. Bank on Natl Bank of Republic N.Y. for $344 22/100 to pay
the following vouchers.
Jno. M. Foote Salary, Agt. Oct. $157.43
C H. Horton Salary Clerk Oct. 99.16
Peter Spruell Salary Laborer Oct. 10.00
Jno M. Foote, Postage. Oct. 4.93
N.K. Hammond Rent of Storeroom Oct. 6.00
EW Jones Rent of Storeroom Sept & Oct. 10.00
E. W. Jones Rent of Office Sept & Oct. 20.00
S.B. Downs Forage Sept & Oct. 21.70
Eli Jones Fuel Oct. 5.00

Recd Sub Di of P. Nov. 9th 1868.