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Tarboro March 7th 1868

yours of the Forth is before me and contents noticed John, C, Guyther cum to RR Bridgers farm in Oct-1864 and Staid with me untill may/65 when he cum to Bridgers Farm he had been sick for a year or more and was just able to creep we furnished him with medicine and the same living we had he eate at my Table and had every Comfort that a sick man could wish he performed the usual work to be performed in his line of work when he was able but I think he was sick at least 1/4th of his time he left me and worked for John B Chopin and John L. Bridgers he Recd the pay I think the time he work for them was about 3 weeks he then work about 5 weeks for Mr John Nicholls he Reced the pay he made 2 Bead Stids [[bedsteads]] for John L Bridgers and one chest and Bridgers furnished the lumber when he left me in May 1865 upon Freedom I Gave him a Gallon of Brandy I furnished him with one or more drams each day while with us he worked for Gray Bryan 25/- and B Mabary 25/- he Recd the pay Guyther never work a day after freedom there was not a cent proposed to be paid him for his servises but I lernd that he intended to sue and I thought it best to settle the mater and pay him or his Mrs $50 rather than have any litigation I would not let Guyther cam to my house until I saw his young Master Col Beasley and he told me to take him as his wife was with us a favourit

Transcription Notes:
changed "Tasboro" to "Tarboro" changed "Oct 1864" to "Oct-1864"