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Bureau of R.F, & AL.
Office A.S.A. Com's
3rd Div 4th Sub Dist Va.
Culpepper C.H. Va.
August 24th 1867


Jno M. Foote
2nd Lieut VR.C. A.S.A. Com'r
Plymouth N.C.

Your communication of date 19th was rec'd in due time and in reply to your interrogations have to State that a through ticket cannot be purchased from here to Weldon N.C. The R.R. fare from here to Richmond for Tempee Smith and her children will be $9.00 from Richmond to Weldon N.C. via Petersburgh is 86 miles at 6 cts pr mile, will amount to $10.32. I am not able to say what it will cost from Weldon to Plymouth NC. The fare from here to Weldon according to Petersons R.R. guide $19.32 for Tempee and her children. I think $25 had better be sent so as to be sure to provide for all contingencies. Tempee's husband will pay his own fare. send the money by express to my care.
Very Respectfully
W. A. MacNulty
ASA Commissioner

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