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L B 124

Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Office of the ASA Comr
5th Div 4" Sub Dist V
Culpepper CH Va
Oct 20th 1868

Capt Jno. M. Foote
ASA Comr Plymouth N.C.

I have your favor of the 8th inst and in reply I am authorized to say by Tempee that she will not come to Plymouth unless her husband can come with her  She is now by act of Genl Assembly of La (recognized by the Bureau as [[binding?]]) the loyal wife of John Bass and says she will never consent to be separated from him - As far as the custody of her children is concerned she states that she will not consent to have them taken away from her and in this she will incur the protection of the courts of her county & this Bureau if necessary. I think the designs of this party are partly well described and Tempee has concluded not to come to Plymouth You can therefore tell Willis he need not trouble himself about sending money for transportation. 

Your Obdt Svt
W S McNulty ASAC 

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