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Freedman's Savings and Trust Company,
Charleston, S.C., January 3d 1867.

A. Coates
1st Lieut V.R C.
Asst Supt
Bureau R.F & A L
Newbern NC

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of letter Jno M Foote 2 Lieut V.R.C.SA Comr dated Nov 29. 1867 with endorsements the last referred to me by you Dec 30. 1867.  Respecting the bounty Claim of Jordan Moore" late Co B 35 USCT Enclosed Please find voucher of Jordan Moore -  No Certificate. 309718-  $83=
When signed & returned I will forward a Draft of the Amount. When received from Genl Ballock, I have his discharge paper also the Claim Agents receipt
I am Lieut
Very respectfully 
Obd Serv
Nathan Ritter AJ
Bureau R F & A L for head of bounties