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Ash Creek Missi
Octbr 16th 1868

Lieut Jno. M. Foot
Dear Sir
your favour of the 4th Inst has just reached me. I really have no means to assertain the most predictable rout for Aunice to travel from this parish to Plymouth N.C. I presume she will take the train here at Tibber Station M. &. O. R.R. this is within seven miles of my residence she will travel to Corinth a distance of some 90 Miles then turn East on the Memphis & Charleston R.R. by the way of Decatur and on to Chatanuga &c. I really do not know the distance as the rates of travel on any of the route Except this Road here it is 6/c per mile. I have this morning had & interview with Mr. Gibson with whom she is at work she has to pay for her provisions one peck meal and 4 lbs of Bacon per week during the Season and he has bought her some artickles of apparel which she will have to pay for She has been quite sick but we have Physicked her and had no F. Bills created they are now housing their crop which will be extremely tight as is all others he thinks there will be 12 Bales of Cotton the laborers get ⅓ this is 4 Bales to 8 hands worth say 60 to 65 $ then say 75 Bushels corn this artickle is not saleable now at  47 c per Bushel, by refference to a map you can assertain the route and distance she will have to travel and she wants to bring her little