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me. I wrote Mr. Bond immediately after my husband returns
and stated the seircumstance to him and asked him to please
send him to Edenton it made no matter whether he wanted
to come or not. I wanted him. So I will ask one more favor
of you and it's my earnest wish is that you may grant it and
that is will you please be so kind as to write Mr Bond to send
him to you, and you will send him to Lieutenant Doge
and write him please to let me know as soon as he gets him
I wrote to Lieutenant Doge myself when I wrote to Mr Bond
and told him he would receive the boy as I thought he would
do as he had promised but he has not. This makes the fourth
letter I have writte and have received not answer yet but I
am in hopes that I shall receive one from this If I don't
get my child if I could only hear from him that would
be some consolation to me but nothing on earth would do
me so much good as to have him with me. If you will
get him for me I am willing to pay you for your trouble.
Now will you please be so kind as to write me as soon
as you get this letter and let me know whether or no I
can get my child I sincerely hope as another month has
passed I may have him with me. Mr Bond told my
husband he would pay his way to Edenton, I will now close
my letter hoping I shall from you soon.
Respectfully Joanna Torro
Perquimans Co July 5th 1865