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Edenton N.C. May 7th 1864

Liutenan Dodge

Dear Sir I take the opportunity to write to you a few lines to inform you of my [[condishion?]] hear. I have been in Mr. Willis Roberts inployment.s which I served [[strikethrough]] teenty [[strikethrough]] twenty 22 Day.s and dune that time my Brother came down to the [[fishry?]] to see me and to Bringe me something. Mr. Roberts ordered him off the bish and I told Mr. Roberts my Brother did not com to cary off any thing he cam to Bring me something and he call me a goddam son of a bish and I said Sir I am not a son of a bish he then cot up a lage hand [[spike?]] and struck me and I cot hold of it then he cot me in the caller. and I cot him as the same. he said if he only had his pistol he would shut me but as was was he intended