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The said N.F. Kirkland M.D. agrees to treat his employees with kindness and respect. He agrees to furnish each family with subsistence, medical attendance and a comfortable house and the gardens & patches connected therewith, to allow to raise poultry & hogs at their own expence. He agrees to divide the crop with them at the end of the year in the following proportions, one third of Nett proceeds of all the lint cotton and one third of all other crops raised on the plantation except long forage wheat & Rye.

Article   The said N.F. Kirkland M.D. agrees to furnish the work animals, wagons and plantation utensils as may be required, such as cannot be made on the plantation.
Article.  It is agreed that no firearms be brought on the plantation, except by consent & permission of the employers.

N.F. Kirkland M.D.

J.C. Kirkland Jr 

Thos F O Connor
Co J 54 NY Vet Vol
William Doyle Segt Comdg Detachment
Bamberg Barnwell Dist. So Ca

Registered at Orangeburg C.H
Feby 13th 1866