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Barnwell District
South Carolina 

Agreement between W. Newman an Ex'tor of S Newman Deceas'd on the first part, and Shelly Boyd Freedman on the second part. viz. I  W. Newman agrees to rent Shelly Boyd fifteen acres of land now under fense and buildings on the same, situated and lying on the Runs tract of land where I now live for and in consideration of the amount of four hundred pounds of lint or gind Cotton or its equivolent in Cash or Current money at parr, and that is to be what Cotton is worth in the marshes [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the month of September, and if the said Shelly Cant pay either Cash or Cotton then he is to pay in any other kind of produce, [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] on the above named Conditions. The said Shelly Boyd has also agreed to hire to Said W. Newman his wife as Labourer for one year eighteen hundred and sixty seven for the sum of sixty dollars and two suit of close and two pair shoes for his wife Rachel. He Shelly Boyd agrees to keep order as becomes a good citizen on said premises or pay for every agravated offense fifty dollars or move off the premises and fofeit all Claims on the above agreement. This agreement is from the first day of January eighteen hundred an sixty seven to eighteen hundred and sixty eight (Jany first). N.B. all Cotton Seed raised on the above named Land is to be W. Newmans except seed to plant the amount of Land. 

Shelly x Boyd L
W Newman Ex'tr L 

Signed in the presence of 
S.D. Newman