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Report of Contracts approved in the Sub District of Anderson S.C. Bureau R.F and A.L. during the Month of January 1867-

Abbeville State District of Capt C.R. Becker 17th V.R.C. - Agent

[[3 columned table]]
| Name of Employer | No of Employees | Terms of Contract |
| Bonchillon J.L. | 1 | Wages, clothing and rations $25 for the year. (boy 14 yrs old) |
| Brownlee Rosa | 9 | one third (1/3) of the Crop, Fuel & Quarters |
| Brownlee Rosa | 4 | One third (1/3) of the Crop, Fuel and Quarters | 
| Bell, Patrick, N. | 1 | Wages, clothing and rations $25 for the year (young boy)|
| Barr William | 2 | Wages and rations $125 each for the year, transportation to Mississippi |
| Brooks W.J.C. | 5 | Wages, rations, fuel and quarters average $63 per annum |
| Boozer A.P. | 8 | Wages, rations, fuel and quarters average $62 per annum | 
| Bell Joseph F | 4 | One third (1/3) of Crop, fuel and quarters |
| Branch and Ferguson | 16 |   One third (1/3) of Crop, fuel and quarters. |
| Campbell F.W. | 39 | Wages, rations, fuel & qurs. men average $140. women $80 per annum, Term |
| Connor John | 1 | Wages, clothing, and rations $30 for the year |
| Clinkscales W.V. | 14 | Wages and Rations, fuel and qurs, Men ave $70, Women $48 per annum. | 
| Cheatham T | 2 | Wages, clothing and rations, man $60 for the year, Woman $20 and board her mother and two non workers. |
| Cook J.B. | 1 | Wages, rations, fuel and quarters for family $60 for the year. | 
| Crawford JW | 34 | Wages, rations, fuel and quarters, Men average $7, Women & boys $5 per mo |
| Cook J.B. | 1 | Wages, rations, fuel and qurs, and $45 for the year. |
| Devlin John L. | 20 | Wages, rations, fuel and Qurs, Men Ave $75. women $55 per mo. |
| Davis, N.J. | 2 | Wages, Rations, fuel and Qur $100 for man & wife for year, & feed 5 children |
| Davis N.J. | 3 | Wages, rations, fuel and Qurs, 2 men $70 each, woman $35 for year |