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[[3 columned table]]
| King B | 1 | Board and one fourth (1/4) of entire crop |
| Martin P.A. | 1 | Board and $15 per year, (a small boy) |
| Millwen W.P. | 14 | First class receive $15, 2nd class $10, with board | 
| Mix Williams | 3 | Board, clothes and $20. each. |
| Masters & Hand | 3 | Board and 40 bushels of corn for working crop, after crop is gathered they shall have to make break at 50 cts per day till Dec 25 |
| Pronast Joseph | 11 | 1/3 of crop and furnished everything for raising it |
| Smith Wm. J. | 1 | One half of all he raises on new- and 1/3 of all on old ground | 
| Stephens James | 1 | Board, Garden Patch and $25. (an old woman) |
| Sanders A.N. | 3 | Board &  1/6 of crop. Employed to work as full hand on field | 

Anderson - No. approved during month 18- No of Employees, 120

No. approved in Sub District during the month - 98
No of Employees - 885

Alfred G. Smith
Captn 8th Inft Bvt Lt Col U.S.A.
Sub Asst Cmdr