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[[7 columned table]]
|   |   |   | 476 |   |   |

| Feby | 27 | S.C.E. Walling | Grinnesville | 7 | Corn | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers, and use of a horse. |

| Feby | 27 | J.J. Browning | Oakley | 4 | Corn | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers |

| Feby | 27 | J.J. Anderson & Co. | Wappahoola | 40 | Rice | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers. Genl. Scotts Contract. |

| Feby | 27 | J.J. Anderson & Co. | Pimlico | 60 | Rice | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers. Genl. Scotts Contract. |

| Feby | 27 | J.J. Anderson | Manchester | 18 | Rice | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers. Genl. Scotts Contract. |

| Feby | 27 | J.J. Anderson | Harry Hill | 16 | Rice | 1/3 of Crops to Laborers. Genl. Scotts Contract. |

|   |   | Total number | of Laborers Contracted | 641 |   |   |

Station: Moncks Corner S.C.
Date: February 29. 1868.

F W Liedtke
Lieut 43d Infantry
Asst. Sub Asst. Comr - F. B.

Transcription Notes:
F W Liedtke is correct