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Kindness-Rafting-Adam Taydem, the Little White Man-Cascalla and his Tribe-The Indian Ball-John M. Tibeats-The Storm approaching,... Page 89


Ford's Embarrassments-The Sale to Tibeats-The Chattel Mortgage-Mistress Ford's Plantation on Bayou Bœuf-Description of the Latter-Ford's Brother-in-law, Peter Tanner-Meeting with Eliza-She still Mourns for her Children-Ford's Overseer, Chapin-Tibeats' Abuse-The Keg of Nails-The First Fight with Tibeats-His Discomfiture and Castigation-The attempt to Hang me-Chapin's Interference and Speech-Unhappy Reflections-Abrupt Departure of Tibeats, Cook, and Ramsey-Lawson and the Brown Mule-Message to the Pine Woods,...105


The Hot Sun-Yet bound-The Cords sink into my Flesh-Chapin's Uneasiness-Speculation-Rachel, and her Cup of Water-Suffering increases-The Happiness of Slavery-Arrival of Ford-He cuts the Cords which bind me, and takes the Rope from my Neck-Misery-The gathering of the Slaves in Eliza's Cabin-Their Kindness-Rachel Repeats the Occurrences of the Day- Lawson entertains his companions with an Account of his Ride-Chapin's apprehensions of Tibeats-Hired to Peter Tanner- Peter expounds the Scriptures-Description of the Stocks,...118


Return to Tibeats-Impossibility of pleasing him-He attacks me with a Hatchet-The struggle over the Broad Axe-The Temptations to Murder him-Escape across the Plantation-Observations from the Fence-Tibeats approaches followed by the Hounds-They take my Track-Their loud Yells-They almost overtake me-I reach the Water-The Hounds confused-Moccasin Snakes-Alligators-Night in the "Great Pacoudrie Swamp"- The Sounds of Life-


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