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Avery, on Bayou Rouge-Peculiarity of Dwellings-Epps builds a New House-Bass, the Carpenter-His Noble Qualities-His Personal Appearance and Eccentricities-Bass and Epps discuss he Question of Slavery-Epps' Opinion of Bass-I make myself known to him-Our Conversation-His Surprise-The Midnight Meeting on the Bayou Bank-Bass' Assurances-Declares War against Slavery-Why I did not Disclose my History-Bass writes Letters-Copy of his Letter to Messrs. Parker and Perry-The Fever of Suspense-Dissappointments-Bass endeavors to cheer me-My Faith in him,........................... Page 263


Bass faithful to his word-His Arrival on Christmas Eve-The Difficulty of Obtaining an Interview-The Meeting in the Cabin-Non-arrival of the Letter-Bass announces his Intention to proceed North-Christmas-Conversation between Epps and Bass-Young Mistress McCoy, the Beauty of Bayou Boeuf-The "Ne plus ultra" of Dinners-Music and Dancing-Presence of the Mistress-Her Exceeding Beauty-The Last Slave Dance-William  Pierce-Over sleep myself-The Last Whipping-Despondency-Cold Morning-Epps' Threats-The Passing Carriage-Strangers approaching through the Cotton-Field-Last Hour on Boyou Boef, ................ 279 


The Letter reaches Saratoga-Is forwarded to Anne-Is laid before Henry B. Northup-The Statue of May 14,1840-Its Provisions-Anne's Memorial to the Governor-The affidavits Accompanying it-Senator Soule's Letter-Departure of the Agent appointed by the Governor- Arrival at Marksville-The Hon. John P. Waddill-The Conversation of New-York Politics-It suggests a Fortunate Idea-The Meeting with Bass-the Secret out-Legal Proceedings instituted -Departure of Northup and the Sheriff from Marks-