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"You need not bind me, Master Tibeats, I am ready to go with you anywhere," said I.

One of his companions the stepped forward, swearing if I made the least resistance he would break my head- he would tear me limb from limb- he would cut my black throat- and giving wide scope to the other similar expression. Perceiving any importunity altogether vain, I crossed my hands, submitting humbly to whatever disposition they might please to make of me. Thereupon Tibeats tied my wrists, drawing the rope around them with the utmost strength. The he bound my ankles in the same manner. in the meantime the other two had slipped a cord within my elbows, running it across my back, and tying it firmly. It was utterly impossible to move hand and foot. With a remaining piece of rope  Tibeats made a awkward noose and placed it about my neck." 

Now, Then" inquired one of Tibeats' companions, " where shall we hang the nigger?"

One proposed such a limb, extending from the body of a peach tree, near the spot where we were standing. His comrade objected to it, alleging it would break, and proposed another. Finally they fixed upon the latter.

During this conversation, and all the time they were binding me, I uttered not a word. Overseer Chapin, during the progress of the scene, was walking hastily back and forth on the piazza. Rachel was crying by the kitchen door, and Mrs. Chapin was still