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before. I'll bet him against a hundred dollars, he'll bear any nigger in Louisiana. I offered John David Cheney twenty-five dollars to catch him, dead or alive, but he outran his dogs in a fair race. Them Cheney dogs ain't much, after all. Dunwoodie's hounds would have had him down before he touched the palmettos. Somehow the dogs got off the track, and we had to give up the hunt. WE rode the horses as far as we could, and then kept on foot till the water was three feet deep. The boys said he was drowned, sure. I allow I wanted a shot at him mightily. Ever since, I have been riding up and down the bayon, but had'nt much hope of catching him – thought he was dead, sartin. Oh, he's a cuss to run – that nigger is!"

In this way Tibeats ran on, describing his search in the swamp, the wonderful speed with which I had fled swap, the wonderful speed with which I had fled before the bounds, and when he had finished, Master Ford responded by saying, I had always been a willing and faithful boy with him; that he was sorry, he had been inhumanly treated, and that he, Tibeats, was himself in fault. Using hatchets and broad-axes upon slaves was shameful, and should not be allowed, he remarked, "This is no way of dealing with them, when first brought into the country. It will have a pernicious influence, and set them all running away. The swamps will be full of them. A little kindness would be far more effectual in restraining them, and rendering them obedient, than the use of such deadly weapons. Every planter on the bayou