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ped of every article of dress. Ropers were ten
brought,and the naked girl was laid upon her face,
her wrists and feet tied firmly to a stake. Step-
ping to piazza, he took down a heavy whip, and
placing it in my hands, commanded me to lash her.
Unpleasant as it was, I was compelled to obey him.
Nowhere that day, on the face of the whole earth, I venture to say, was there such a demoniac exhibition witnessed as then endsued. 

 Mistress Epps stood on the piazza among her chil-
dren, gazing on the scene with an air of heartless sat-isfaction. The slaves were huddled together at a little distance, their countenances indicating the sorrow of their hearts. Poor Patsay prayed piteously for mercy, but her prayers were vain. Epps ground his teeth, and stamped upon the ground, screaming at me, like a mad fiend, to strik hearder.

  "Strike harder, or your turn will come next, you scoundrel," he yelled. 
  "Oh, mercy, massa! -oh! have mercy, do.  Oh,
God! pity me," Patsey exclaimed continually, struggling fruitlessly, and the flesh quivering at every stroke. 

 When I had struck her as many as thirty times. I stopped, and turned round towards Epps, hoping he was satisfied; but with bitter oaths and threats, he ordered me to continue. I inflicted ten or fifteen blows more. By this time her back was covered with long welts, intersecting each other like net work. Epps was yet furtious and savage as ever, demanging