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APPENDIX.    325

B.—Page 292.


To His Excellency, the Governor of the State of New-York:

The memorial of Anne Northrup, of the village of Glens Falls, in the county of Warren, State aforesaid, respectfully sets forth—
That you memorialist, whose maiden name was Anne Hampton, was forty-four years old on the 14th day of March last, and was married to Solomon Northup, then of Fort Edward, in the county of Washington and State aforesaid, on the 25th day of December, A. D. 1828, by Timothy Eddy, then a Justice of the Peace. That the said Solomon, after such marriage, lived and kept house with your memorialist in said town until 1830, when he removed with his said family to the town of Kingsbury in said county, and remained there about three years, and then removed to Saratoga Springs in the State aforesaid, and continued to reside in said Saratoga Springs and the adjoining town until about the year 1841, as near as the time can be recollected when the said Solomon started to go to the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, since which time your memorialist has never seen her said husband.
And your memorialist further states, that in the year 1841 she received information by a letter directed to Henry B. Northrup, Esq., of Sandy Hill, Washington county, New-York, and post-marked at New-Orleans, that said Solomon had been kidnapped in Washington, put on board of a vessel, and was then in such vessel in New-Orleans, but could not tell how he came in that situation, nor what his destination was.
That your memorialist ever since the last mentioned period has been wholly unable to obtain any information of where the said Solomon was, until the month of September last, when