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were reported to be free citizens of New-York, and deponent believers they were so free; that said Solomon Northup was born in said county of Washington, as deponent believes, and was married Dec. 25th, 1828, in Fort Edward aforesaid, and his said wife and three children - two daughters and one son - are now living in Glens Falls, Warren county, New-York, and that the said Solomon Northup always resided in said county of Washington, and its immediate vicinity, until about 1841, since which time deponent has not seen him but deponent has been credibly informed, and as he verily believes truly, the said Solomon is now wrongfully held as a slave in the State of Louisiana, And deponent further says that Anne Northup, named in the said memorial, is entitled to credit, and deponent believes the statements contained in her said memorial are true     
 (Signed,)     JOSIAH HAND.
 Subscribed and sworn before me this
    19th day of November, 1852,
               CHARLES HUGHES, Justice Peace.

Washington county, ss:
Timothy Eddy, of Fort Edward, in said county, being duly sworn, says he is now over - years old, and has been a resident of said town more than - years last past, and that he was well acquainted with Solomon Northup, named in the annexed memorial of Anne Northup, and with his father Mintus Northup, who was a negro, - the wife of said Mintus was a mulatto woman; that said Mintus Northup and his said wife and family, two sons, Joseph and Solomon, resided in said town of Fort Edward for several years before the year 1828, and said Mintus died in said town A.D 1829, as deponent believes. And deponent further says that he was a Justice of the Peace in said town in the year 1828, and as such Justice of the Peace, he, on the 25th day of Dec'r, 1828, joined the said Solomon