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will all convenient dispatch, to execute the agency hereby created.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, [L.S.] and affixed the privy seal of the State, at Albany, this 23d day of November, in the year of our Lord 1852.
JAMES F. RUFFLES, Private Secretary.

C.–Page 309.

Parish of Avoyelles.
Before me, Aristide Barbin, Recorder of the parish of Avoy elles, personally came and appeared Henry B. Northup, of the county of Washington, State of New-York, who hath declared that by virtue of a commission to him as agent of the State of New-York, given and granted by his excellency, Washington Hunt, Governor of the said State of New York, baring date the 23d day of November, 1852, authorizing and empowering him, the said Northup, to pursue and recover from slavery a free man of color, called Solomon Northup, who is a free citizen of the State of New-York, and who was kidnapped and sold into slavery, in the State of Louisiana, of the Parish of Avoyelles; he, the said agent, hereto signing, acknowledges that the said Edwin has this day given and surrendered to him as such agent, the said Solomon Northup, free man of color, as aforesaid, in order that he be restored to his freedom, and carried back to the said State of New-York, pursuant to said commission, the said Edwin Epps being satisfied from the proofs produced by said agent, that the said Solomon Northup is entitled to his freedom. The parties consenting that a certified copy of said power of attorney be annexed to this act.