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The Finnish team placed third, led by their seventh place winner, Aki Suokas with the others placing 8, 23, 28, 59.

The United States team moved up from seventh of eleven in Norway to fourth out of sixteen with Marvin Ellis placing eleventh, Ray Heyde, twelfth, Joe Poerschke twenty-secondth, Carolyn Pilaar twenty-fourth and Brooks Cone thirtieth.  The scores of the top three pilots count for the team placement.  Carolyn made one of only 6 "O" landings out of the 260 made.  Hers was the only "O" in the barrier landings.  Jody's carefully controlled neutral stance slipped a bit at that point and she yelled "Good Girl,Carolyn".

The Swiss team placed fifth, led by Peter Hauser also placing fifth.  His remaining team members placed fourteenth, twenty-ninth and thirty-eighth.

The remaining teams finished in descending order, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Argentina, United Kingdom, South Africa, Austria, Ireland, and France.  Netherlands and West Germany, with one pilot each, were not contenders for the team trophy.

You all must realize that a great deal of work had gone on before we assembled in Kissimmee for the actual competition.  We held the National Championships there in June which served as a trial run, and were most gratified that the people,who had worked so hard at that time,were willing to come back and go through it all again.  Jody, Pat, Hazel and Linda had made many trips to Kissimmee and this was my third trip.

Navigation Judge, Jody McCarrell (Arkansas) came to Kissimmee about July 25 to make final arrangements for the Navigation contest.  Not only to make decisions on the actual course, turning points, secret check points, photograph sites from the air, but to get permission (after extensive research to find out from who ) to put a crew and or letter or symbol out on the ground.  Look at a map of Florida and see if you can figure out how to get crews to places by car.  Think about swamps, alligators, bugs, herds of cows.

Pat Roberts (Oregon) on July 30 and I (California) on August 1 came down from convention in Baltimore.  It was too far and too expensive to return to the West Coast and then East again to Kissimmee.  Linda Dickerson (Tennessee) and mascot "Duchess", her little dog, were already on site when we arrived, making arrangements for registration, housing, meals, tours, parade, banquet, etc.  Pat Ward came by car from Baton Rouge (her husband, Roger, later by airline).Hazel Jones, Competition Director, and Carol Sue Wheeler drove from Dallas with a van and much equipment arriving about August 5.  Kathy Long (Dallas) arrived by airlines, delayed by her husband's illness.  Kathy has been responsible for all sales of USPFT items.


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