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Max Gray, of Kissimmee, kept his Cessna 172 available for Jody's use and with other friends provided assistance for the whole time we were there.  As the days went by more people arrived to help, rising to the maximum on the day of the Navigation contest.  We could have used more!

The Ninety Nines who came to help, expecially those from Florida and Chapters nearby deserve some very special credit.  They knew from the first they should keep themselves available to work in August of 1985.  In most cases they were not part of the planning and did not know what would be expected of them.  They came to the Nationals in June to find that"work" meant being assigned to a gate out in the boondocks for a long day in the HEAT, escorting pilots to and from airplanes in the HEAT, and or standing along the runway to watch for the touchdown point during the landings in the HEAT.  Funny coincidence - it's the same people you find "airmarking" runways, manning "fly-by's", judging NIFA competitions etc.

At the World Championships only a few stewards were assigned by the Chief Judge, Peter Costello, to be on the line at the runway.  No spectators were allowed out there.  Dottie Birdsong was "lucky" to be assigned to raise the crosswind flag.  She was on duty ALL DAY, raising the flag for only one brief time!

We needed everyone who came, but there were some who either filled a special need, came from a great distance or both that merit special mention.  In alphabetical order they are:  Doris Abbate, New York, Region 7 Coordinator, contestant all the way to the Nationals, came for Judges school and assigned as Gate Captain; Steve Brown, Washington D. C. Staging Judge; Brian Caldwell, Santa Clara California, previous team member, went to Judges school, provided weather charts from Lockheed Data Plan; Lois Feigenbaum, Illinois, 99s/USPFT Council Chairman, Team Manager for USA; Lois' granddaughter, J. M. Long, Illinois, provided help for the US Team; Mary Fletcher, St Petersburg, Florida, designed the logo used for the competition and was responsible for the program; Grace and Charles Gaedig , Ohio, for Judges school and assigned to the finish gate; Bonnie Gann, Merritt Island, Florida, Local Operations Coordinator; Judy Hall, Georgia, came with her truck and duplicating machine; John Jarchow, Texas, with FAA, went to Judges School, assigned as Gate Captain and assistant to Staging Judge, "Pop" Kuck, father of former team member Doug,from Michigan,helped everywhere; Sanjay Kalani, Michigan, came as assistant coach; Judy Logue, Wyoming , Historian for the 99s, Video-taping for the history and assigned to Video-tape landings for the Jury; Jim