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PG 3

Card #   Author/Title
44       Fort, Cornelia: "At the Twilight's Last Gleaming" Women's Home Companion 1943
45       Roberts, Margot: "You Can't Keep Them Down" Women's Home Companion 1944
46       "You Can't Keep Up with these Joneses" American Magazine 1942
47       "Hellcat Teasers" The American Magazine 1944
48       "Girl Pilot: Air Force Trains Them at Avenger Field in Texas" Life 1943
49       "Feminine Fliers" Newsweek 1941
50       "Mrs. Cove of the WAFS" Newsweek 1942
51       Evans, Ernestine. "The Sky's No Limit" Independent Woman 1942
52       Eaves, Elsie "Wanted: Women Engineers." Independent Woman 1942
53       "They Do Their Best" Independent Woman 1942
54       "Now a Civil Air Patrol" Independent Women 1942
55       Arthur, Julietta K. "Now You Can Learn to Fly" Independent Women 1940
56       "The Alleged Weaker Sex" Independent Women 1940
57       Arthur, Julietta K "Airways to Earning" Independent Women 1940
58       "Rules of the Air" Time 1943
59       O'Malley, Patricia "Women With Wings" Scholastic 1943
60       "Women are Welcome in Aviation" Education for Victory 1943
61       "Ladybirds - WFA" American Magazine 1941
62       "Sky Larker - Helen Montgomery" American Magazine 1940
63       Ash, Mae and Jerome Beatty "I Let My Daughter Fly" American Magazine 1940
64       "4-m: Arlene Davis" American Magazine 1940
65       Neville, Leslie E. "Education Alone Will Reduce Absentelism [[Absenteeism]]" Aviation 1943
66       "Demand Growing For Women in Aircraft Industry" Civil Aeronautic Journal 1942
67       Davis, Dorothy: "A Wasp's Eye View of Pioneer Days at Chico St.U..." 1985
68       Women and Wrenches 1944
69       "WAVES Observe 3rd B-day" Nav News 1945
70       "WAVES Study for Jobs on Link Program" Nav News 1944
71       "Flight Nurses" Naval Av. News 1945
72       "WAVES Become Flight Orderlies" Nav News 1945
73       "Yank Truck: Bad Landings Reduced..." Nav News 1944
74       "Letters to Editor" Nav News 1945
75       "WAVES" Nav News 1945