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PG 7

[[2 column table]]

| Card# | Author/Title |
| 176 | Hodgman, Ann and Rudy Djabbaroff; sky stars: The History of Women in Aviation , 1981 |
| 177 | Felker, Phyllis Tobias "Toby" WASP, Washington, DC Interview 28 done 1985 |
| 178 | Howard, Joan Ross, Exec. director - Whirly Girls...., Washington, DC Interview B November, 1985. |
| 179 | U.S. Civil Aeronautics Authority: Wartime History of the Civil Aeronautics Administration [1945] |
| 180 | "The Civilian Pilot Training Program." Civil Aeronautics Journal 1940 | 
| 181 | Tubbs, Gertrude S. to Claudia M. Oakes, 3 January 1982. |
| 182 | Peterse3n, George, American Women of War in World War II n.d |
| 183 | "Lieut. Willa Brown, Aviatrix - maker of pilots" Philadelphia Tribune 7944 |
| 184 | Stricklan, Patricia. The Putt-Putt Air Force.... n.d |
| 185 | De Pauw, Linda Gront "Women in Combat: The Revolutionary War Experience " Armed Forces & Society Winter 1981 |
| 186 | Hancock, Joy Bright: Lady in the Navy: A Personal Reminiscence 1972 |
| 187 | Backus, Jean L. Letters from Amelia... 1982 |
| 188 | Nancy H. Love to Lt. Col. Robert Olds. 21 May 1940 |
| 189 | Love, Margaret C. daughter of Nitt. Love, Middlebury, VA Interview, 22 June 1985 |
| 190 | "Women Ferry Pilots "Background Information Memorandum, Nancy H Love Popers, NASM 1 Dec 1944 |
| 191 | Bandel, Betty. The WAC Program in the Army Air Forces 1945 |
| 192 | Wirtschofter, Irene N. Interview 27, July 1945 |
| 193 | Rassmussen, Janet. WAC, AAF. Washington, DC, Interview 29 May 1985 |
| 194 | Smith, Anthony J. Menstruation and Industrial Efficacy: I: Absenteeism and Activity Level" Journal of Applied Psychology 34 (Feb. 1950): 1-5 |
| 195 | Deloney, Jonie et al: The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation 1976 |
| 196 | Bell, Susan "PMS and the Medicalization of Menopause: A Sociological Perspective." (in press) |
| 197 | Tonner, Doris Brinker, Cornelio Fort, 1980 |
| 198 | Hess, Fjeril. WACs at work..., 1945 |
| 199 | Teague, James I., Capt. to Col. William H. Tonner "Momo. on J. Cochran" Nancy H. Love Papers 22.9.42 |
| 200 | Bohn, Delphine. WAFs member. Washington, DC. Interview 23 Jan 1986 |
| 201 | Pateman, Yoonne C., "Pat," Lt. Col. USAF (vet), WASP/WAF, Wash. DC Interview 26 Sept 1985 |
| 202 | Myles, Bruce. Night Witches: Pker, 1983 |
| 203 | Hull, Gloria T., Patricia Bell Scott and Barbara Smith All of the Women are White, All of the Blocksave Men... 1982 |
| 204 | Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Reinventing Womanhood. 1979 |
| 205 | WASP 1982 Roster, 1982 |
| 206 | Weisfield, Ellen Kay. "The Role of the WASP in WWII" MA Thesis, Villanova U., 1982 |
| 207 | MacGregor, Morris, J., dr. Integration of the Armed Forces 1940-1965. 1981 |
| 208 |"Coup for Cochron." Newsweek 22 (19 July 1943): 40-41 |
| 209 | Tunner, William H. to Commanding General, Air Transport Command. 10 April 1944 |
| 210 | Arnold, General H.H. to General Giles. Memoranda on WAP and Demobilization." 5 Oct. 1944 |