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[[2 columned table]] 

|501|Lomer, Judy Women of the Air 1986|
|502|Buyne, Walters. "Blame it on Women" AOPA Pilot (och 84): 98-100|
|503|Gillispie, Judy. "Operation Earhart" US (20 June, 1983):28-32|
|504|Crandell, Susan. "Korean Coyle: Speaking on Our Behalf" Flying 104 (April 1979):97|
|505|"'N99NJ, cleared as filed, except....'"The 99 News. 10 (April 1983):10-13|
|506|U.S National Science Foundation. Women and Minorities in Science & Eng., Jon '82
|507|Story, John. "Meet the First Woman OOD on a Carrier."Campus [1981]:24-25|
|508|McLead, Mike. "And Bottom." News-Journal nd., pp.10-20|
|509|Kriz, Marjorie and Neal Callahan." When [[?]][[?]]Helmet & Goggle Set" FAA World Jon"80|
|510|Lawson, Charlie. "Women in Aviation"Hartford Women 2(July 1983)p 6-77,12-13.
|511|Binkin, Martin.America's Volunteer Military Progress & Prospects 1984
|512|Ebbert, Jean. "Should Women Serve at Sea?"The Navy Times Magazine (1 Aug '83) 16-20
|513|Dole, Elizabeth H. "Remarks ...." 25 October 1985 
|514|Fisher, Susan. "Downed Chopper Pilot [[?]] [[' The HawkEye?]] 13 Oct 1985
|515|Women into Armed Forces Brussels, Nato, 1982
|516|AIA Aerospace Facts & Figures 1981/82 , 1981.
|517|AIA Aerospace Facts & Figures 1983/84 1983.
|518|AIA Aerospace Facts & Figures 1984/85 1984.
|519|"Ann Devers Jois NBAA Staff as [[Manager?]] , educational Programs. "(NBAA PressRelease) 22 Sept. '85
|520|Knight, Sherry. "The Whirly Girls, Pioneering Women Helicopter Pilots. " Helicopter Update, ([[? '86]]):L6
|521|Paul Richards. "The Flying Grandmother." [[?]] Space (wnkr'85):35.
|522|Glines, C.U. "The One-Year Challenge "Professional Pilot. 20(July 86): 12
|523|Hixson, R.M. "equal Rights - equal Risks." U.S. [[N? /?, proceedings ''' (Sept'85):36-4/
|524|Yeager, Chuckand Leo Janos. Yeager. Toronto, Bantom Books,1985.
|525|Webb, James "Women Can't Fight." The Washingtonian 15(November 1979):[[144+?]]
|526|Wadevsee, Winifred- Women's Work and Family Values 1981