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00184 Strickland, Patricia. The Putt-Putt Air Force: The Story of the Civilian Pilot Training Program and War Training Service 1939-1944. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Education Staff, n.d.

00185 De Pauw, Linda Grant. "Women in Combat: The Revolutionary War Experience." Armed Forces and Society 7 (Winter 1981): 209-226.

00186 Hancock, Joy Bright. Lady in the Navy: A Personal Reminiscence. Annapolis, MD: The Naval Institute Press, 1972.

00187 Backus, Jean L. Letters From Amelia: An intimate Portrait of Amelia Earhart.

00188 Nancy H. Love to Lt. Colonel Robert Olds. 21 May 1940. Nancy Love Papers, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC. 

00189 Love, Margaret C. Daughter of Nancy Harkness Love. Middleberg, VA. Interview. 22 June 1985. 

00190 Women Ferry Pilots. "Background Information Memorandum. Nancy H. Love Papers, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC, December 1944. 

00191 Bandel, Betty. The WAC Program in the Army Air Forces. Washington, DC: Military Personnel Division, Assistant Chief of Air Staff-1, Army Air Forces Headquarters, 1945.

00192 Wirtschafter, Irene N. U.S. Navy Captain (Ret.). Baltimore, MD. Interview, 27 July 1985.

00193 Rassmussen, Janet. WAC, Army Air Forces. Washington, DC. Interview, 29 May 1985. 

00194 Smith, Anthony J. "Menstruation and Industrial Efficiency: I. Absenteeism and Activity Level." Journal of Applied Psychology. 34 (February 1950): 1-5.

00195 Delaney, Janice, Mary Jane Lupton and Emily Toth. The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1976.

00196 Bell, Susan E. "PMS and the Medicalization of Menopause: A Sociological Perspective." in B.Ginsburg and B.F. Carter (eds.) The Premenstrual Syndrome: Legal and Ethical Implications. New York: Plenum Press, (in press).

00197 Tanner, Doris Brinker. Cornelia Fort. US: by author, 1980. reprints from the Tennessee Historical Quarterly XL (Winter 1981) and XLI (Spring 1982).

00198 Hess, Fjeril. WACs at Work: The Story of the "Three B'S" of the AAF. 

00199 Teague, James I., Capt. to Col. William H. Tunner. "Memorandum on Miss Jacqueline Cochran." Nancy H. Love Papers, Nationa Air and Space Museum. 22 September 1942. 

00200 Bohn, Delphine. WAFS. Washington, DC. Interview. 23 January 1986. 

00201 Pateman, Yvonne C., "Pat," Lt. Col., USAF (Ret.) WASP, career WAF. Washington, DC. Interview. 26 September 1985. 

00202 Myles, Bruce. Night Witches: The Untold Story of Soviet Women in Combat.

00203 Hull, Gloria T., Patricia Bell Scott and Barbara Smith. All the Women are White, All the Blacks are Men, But some of us are Brave : Black Women's Studies. 

00204 Heilbrun, Carolyn G. Reinventing Womanhood

00205 W.A.S.P.: Women Airforce Service Pilots, WWII, 1982 Roster.

00206 Weisfield, Ellen Kay. "The Role of the Women Airforce Service Pilots in World War II." MA theesis, Villanova University, 1982.