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"Madame Mechanic." Flying 43 (February 1944): 58-59, 132, 136. 00032
"A Man-Sizes Job." Naval Aviation News (May 1973): 23. 00399
Masee, Kate. "Women in War Work." Chicago, IL Tribune, 28 April 1943. 00166
May, Charles P. Women in Aeronautics. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1962. 00002
McDonnell, James A. "Belated Benefits for AAF's Women Pilots." Air Force Magazine 60 (April 1977): 76-77. 00087
McGill, Jeannie M. "Women in the Military: Implications for Social Work Practice." Master of Social Work Project Thesis. California State University , Sacramento, 1985.  00374
McLeod, Mike. "And Bottom." Pensacola News-Journal nd: 10, 20.  00508

"Meet Your Instructors." Flying with Janelle Aviation 3 (April 1986): 2.  00468

Merriam, Joan. "I Flew Around the World Alone." The Saturday Evening Post 237 (July 25-August 1, 1964): 77-83.  00253

Merryfield, Mary. "Five Hours to Solo." Woman's Home Companion 72 (March 1945): 20, 60.  00222

Meyers, Nydia to Deborah G. Douglas. 11 June 1985.  00154 
Meyers, Nydia, Dr. to Deborah G. Douglas. 23 July 1985.  00467
"Military Flight Nurses Eligible for New Award." CAF Dispatch 10 (March/April 1985): 31.  00134

Miller, Ronald and Sawers, David. The Technical Development of Modern Aviation. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968.  00142
Milton, Barbara. "Gayle Ranney: Brush Pilot." Working Woman 6 (November 1981): 96-100.  00465