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"Women Marines." Naval Aviation News (October 1, 1943): 18.   00081
"Women Pilots: Still No Combat." Air Force Times  36 (December 10, 1975): 47.   00409
"Women Soon to Train as Noncombat Pilots." Air Force Times 36 (November 26, 1975); 2. 
Women's Equity Action League. "Recruitment Statistics and Policies Pertaining to Women in the Active Armed Services." WEAL Facts. February 1984.   00483
"WRENS Play Leading Role in Air Arm, Keeping its Planes Flying." Naval Aviation News (January 15, 1944): 18.   00078
"Yank Truck: Bad Landings Reduced Through Quonset Plan." Naval Aviation News(November 15, 1944): 31.   00073
Yeager, Chuck and Leo Janos. Yeager. Toronto: Bantam Books, 1985.   00524
Yoffe, Emily. "Roxi's Moxie: The Pluck of a Pilot." The Washington Post Magazine (27 January 1985): 4-5, 8, 11.   00471
"You Cant Keep up with the Joneses." American Magazine CXXIV (December 1942): 88-89.   00046
Young, Sharon B. Need to Define Women's Sea Duty Clearly." Navy Times 13 January, 1986, p. 32-33.   00489
"Young, successful, and first; Naval Aviator Lt. (j.g.) Barbara Allen." The Saturday Evening Post 246 (October 1974): 53, 134.   00419
Zirker, Lorette. "Moline, Illinois, July 9." Flying 91 (October 1972): 105-106.   00390