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branch recruitment with the War Department. Colonel DuBosque estimated that AAF could use 93,000 women without additional training, since most women entering the service had a clerical or similar skill, and 40,000 with AAF technical training. He recommended increasing AAF's WAC authorization to 140,000, carrying on an AAF WAC recruiting campaign, and preparing a technical training program for 40,000 of the desired 140,000 Wacs.

The idea of Air Forces' participating in WAC recruiting was approved in principle by the Commanding General, AAF, and by the end of August a plan had been drawn up and approved by the War Department which called for enlistment of Wacs by branch, job, and station of their choice, with Air Forces participating heavily in the campaign. There were now 14,000 Wacs at 170 air bases throughout the country; Wacs were now actually part of the army; the Air WAC recruiting program was now the AAF's own responsibility - and Air Forces went to work with its usual enthusiasm.
