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communities appealed, there were certainly an equal number to whom the change and excitement of service far away from home appealed just as strongly, raised the ATC WAC strength from 500 to 5500 in less than a year.

Campaign Begins

By early October all plans had been made, and the stage was set for the actual beginning of the Air WAC recruiting campaign.

On 5 October representatives of Training Command came to Washington and, with representative of AAF Headquarters, hled a conference with Colonel Hobby, Director, WAC, regarding various phases of the WAC program which were felt to have a bearing on the recruitment of Wacs. Several recommendations were made which were accepted either immediately or within a few weeks, the most notable being those which had to do with the uniform.

Air Forces felt that the WAC uniform, limited as it then was in types of material and items of clothing, could be made more appealing to the average American woman. Since Colonel Hobby also felt the need for changes in the uniform, now that women, on full army status rather than "auxiliary" status, could not wear civilian dress during off-duty hours, she had only been waiting for the basic items to be supplied to the majority of the Corps before recommending certain additions. Taking advantage of the AAF recommendation, she accordingly urged the War Department to withdraw from the
