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age, but this recommendation was not accepted, since the War Department believed that the supervision of 'teen-age girls would require many changes in methods of administration, etc. (1)

On 12 October Service Commands were given full information regarding the Air WAC recruiting plan (2); were informed that the plan would in no way conflict with the All States recruiting campaign, which was then going forward; and were told that they might begin actual enlistment of Air Wacs 18 October. On 20 October the War Department Bureau of Public Relations released a statement made by General H. H. Arnold, Commanding General, AAF, to Colonel Hobby, in which he said, "Not only have members of the WAC made an enviable record through their work at Air Force installations in this country, but splendid reports have come to me on the work of the Corps with the Eighth Air Force in the European Theatre of Operations ... Air Forces will do everything possible to assist in recruiting women for this important army work." The race was on. 

On 1 November Training Command, making its first "progress report" on the campaign, told of the hundreds of people now working on WAC recruiting, of contacts made by the

1. Cf. p. 49, text and Note 3.

2. Letter from The Adjutant General to Service Commands, AG 341 WAC (12 Oct 43) PR-I, dated 12 October 1943, subject: Recruiting Plan for Air Wacs.
