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machines of all types at many air bases. Plans were also made in March to place Wacs at the AAF's three redistribution centers, and these women later became the nucleus of the WAC group in the Personnel Distribution Command, when Air Forces combined its its redistribution centers with overseas replacement depots, convalescent centers, etc., to form the new command. A colorful note in Air WAC recruiting which appeared during March was the recruiting of a "Benito Juarez Squadron" of Air Wacs, sworn into the service 26 March in San Antonio, Texas. The group was made up entirely of young women citizens of the United States who were of Latin-American descent.

Problem Overcome

Naturally, the picture even at the height of the recruiting campaign was not a completely rosy one, and there were a number of dislocations in the program which had an adverse effect not only on the utilization of Wacs but also on WAC recruiting. Soldier opinion was still somewhat divided, and even the time-honored soldier custom of poking more or less good-natured fun at everything even remotely connected with the army was, when the gibes were about Wacs, taken by the public as an indication of how all soldiers felt about Wacs. On 7 February it was necessary for the War Department to cable all theatres cautioning them to be sure that news releases, etc., about Wacs were accurate and in good taste. This cable was sent after pictures had reached this country showing men in a soldier show having a hilarious time
