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recommendation before being disapproved.

This procedure, coupled with the fact that it was now customery [[customary]] to ask AAF to supply all overseas AAF WAC requisitions, established a system for supply of Air Wacs to overseas theatres which was substantially that which the AAF had recommended as early as November, 1943.(2) The only particular in which the system differed materially was in the supply of WAC personnel for theatre overhead requirements (neither AAF, AGF, nor ASF). Whenever such requests were received, the three major forces continued to contribute their proportionate shares of WAC personnel. On 10 June the War Department took the final step in simplication [[simplification]] of the system for supply of Wacs overseas by delegating Air, Ground, and Service Forces the authority to send their on Wacs to their own stations outside the United States, provided they had concurrence of the theatre commander concerned.(3)

This provision was in line with the authority which the War Department had granted in November of 1943 for Air Transport Command to ship its own Wacs to its own overseas stations.(1) Air Forces proceeded, in July, to delegate this

2. Cf, p. 75.

3. AG Letter, AG 320.2(3 Apr 44)PO-M-SPGAS, subject: Distribution of WAC, dated 10 June 1944.

1. Memorandum for Commanding General, AAF, from War Department General Staff (G-1 Division), WDGAP 210.31 WAC, subject: Assignment of WAC Personnel with the ATC, dated 4 November 1943.