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1 September 1944 detailing all WAC officers filling Air Corps jobs into the Air Corps, and requiring the commands to forward recommendations, for all WAC officers filling "ASWAAF" jobs, that the officers be detailed into the appropriate arm or service (Adjutant General, Medical Administrative, etc.). Thus by the end of September every WAC officer in the AAF was a full-fledged Air Corps or ASWAAF officer, wearing the wings and propeller, or other appropriate  insignia. In November of 1944 the new AAF Personnel Officers' Handbook (AAF Manual 37-1) carried a chapter devoted to the administration of WAC and the organization of a WAC branch or division, headed by a WAC staff director, in each higher AAF command headquarters. The first Air Medal ever awarded to a Wac was presented to the father of Private Marjorie I. Babinetz in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 13 May 1945. Private Babinetz had been killed the previous August, when the plane in which she was flying to perform a mission for the Air Wac recruiting campaign crashed.

On 30 June 1945 Air Forces non-concurred in a proposal made by ASF that all prospective WAC officer candidates receive their final selection at the War Department level. Air Forces took the view that the suggestion pointed back toward the time when the WAC was considered as a "Corps", with a specific Corps mission, since the only other groups which chose their officer candidates at War Department level were such highly specialized groups as the Judge Advocate General's
