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August 29, 1986

Deborah G. Douglas
Aeronautics Dept.
Room 3309, NASM
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C. 30560

Dear Ms. Douglas:

I am writing to give you the name of a woman who should be an excellent source of information for you in your series "Women in Aviation", as well as interesting for herself alone.

Her name is Claire G. Callaghan, and the last address I have for her 686 17th Street, Apt. 9, Vero Beach, FL 33960, telephone 305-562-2042. Ms. Callaghan retired from the Federal Aviation Administration at least ten years ago. She was employed here at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City as an aircraft accident analyst.

She is a native of Washington, D.C., and was a member of the first Women's Army Service Pilots (WASP) class. She worked for some years with Beulah Noyes, and was acquainted with Jackie Cochran.

Claire received a good deal of publicity back in the 50's (I think--this is before I knew her) when she was operated on for cataracts on both eyes, and regained her pilot's license after this surgery.

I believe you should find her to be full of interesting stories about the WASP fliers in WW II. I have not been in contact with her for several years, but I believe she can be contacted in Vero Beach.

[[signature]]Elizabeth Flinta[[/signature]]