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"Our Heroes of Destiny"
Honorables Frederick Douglass, John M. Langston, Blanche K. Bruce, Paul Laurence Dunbar and Booker T. Washington
I desire to thank the readers of THE CRISIS and my large number of friends for their very enthusiastic support and appreciation of the Special Edition of "OUR HEROES OF DESTINY."
While the orders for the Special Edition have been most gratifying, there has been a constant demand for a cheaper one.
In response to these numerous requests I am glad to announce that a Popular Edition is on the press. In producing this Edition there is neither a sacrifice of quality nor work-manship, as I was fortunate in securing a specially processed paper, which will defy even the eyes of an expert in distinguishing it from the Special Edition. The price of the Popular Edition is fifty cents, postpaid. The Special Edition, which is on JAPAN VELLUM, will, by no means, be discontinued, and those of the particular sort who desire may have one forwarded to them for One Dollar, postpaid.
The Individual Portraits are beautiful gravures, 11 by 14 inches, handsomely mounted and ready for framing. Price, fifty cents. 
A partial list of those now ready includes:
Frederick Douglass
Booker T. Washington
Mrs. Booker T. Washington
Blanche K. Bruce 
John M. Langston 
W. E. B. Du Bois
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rev. C. T. Walker
Judson W. Lyons
T. Thomas Fortune
This illustration is protected by copyright.  Any infringement will be prosecuted
Rev. DR. R. C. Ransom, New York City, says: "Your splendid production of 'Our Heroes of Destiny' marks the era of perpetuating characteristic and faithful likeness fo the famous men and women of our own race, to be handed down to younger generations, inspiring them with ideals which if carefully nurtured in their young lives will in their mature ages prove excellent examples of pure and dignified manhood and womanhood.
"No home where there is a child should be without a copy of this excellent work, and no parent that feels the love and loyalty of higher race development should fail to teach the children of their homes the meaning of the lives of these five men." 
Mrs. B. K. Bruce, Washington, D. C., says: "I am destined indeed glad to say that 'Our Heroes of Destiny' is the most creditable work of art that has yet been produced of and for our people. The life likeness of the entire group is exceedingly good. It is a fitting memorial worthy to be in every home. 
"If we are to perpetuate the memories of our own great men, it must be by keeping their portraits ever before our youth, and familiarizing them with the true meaning of their lives."
AGENTS-Here is a proposition that will net you substantial monthly income, whether you devote all or spare time to it. My extensive advertising; creating a demand for all the see pictures, insures quick sales, and their superior quality makes each purchaser a satisfied customer. YOU would be interested to know how I train my agents by correspondence and make them successful salesmen. Write for particulars.
322 Mott Avenue New York City

Volume Four July, 1912 Number Three
J. PIERPONT MORGAN has offered to give the last $25,000 of the endowment fund which Fisk University is endeavoring to raise. About $135,000 remains to be subscribed.
In Philadelphia a citizens' committee charges that the 2,000 colored American children of school age are discriminated against and segregated in the public schools. They say that not only are colored children refused admission to certain schools and made to walk long distances, but even in the same school some colored children have not a proper supply of the text books. Some, while in the same room with other children, are placed on one side of the room by themselves; others in the same building are placed in a separate room, where one teacher at-tempts to teach several grades; in other instances the colored children are placed in an annex which is badly located, unsanitary and overcrowded, while the parent building is large and well ventilated, with unoccupied rooms, sufficient to accommodate colored children who have been taken out of this building and placed in said annex. The colored people are threatening to take the matter to court unless their request for a colored member of the school board is granted.
The commencement honors in Northern colleges include two colored dotors of philosophy mentioned elsewhere, a commencement speaker, John Arnett Mitchell, at Bowdoin, and numbers of athletic honors.
In the grammar schools' oratorical con-tests at Hillburn, N. Y., out of seven contestants Cecelia E. Gunner, a colored girl, won first prize and Ira Smith, a colored boy, won second prize. 
A chorus of twenty-six Hampton students is making a summer trip for the purpose of raising money for the institution. They will camp in tents and will tour eight States.
One hundred and eighty-four graduates were awarded diplomas and certificates at the thirty-seventh anniversary exercises at Tuskegee Institute. Major R. R. Moten de-livered the address and several thousand people were present.
Twenty thousand people saw the annual competitive drill of the Washington Colored High Schools. Company A, Captain A. C. Logan, of the M Street High School, was declared the winner. 
Dr. W. P. Thirkield has resigned the presidency of Howard University to become a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Among those who have been spoken of to succeed him are Kelly Miller and George W. Cook. During Dr. Thirkfield's incumbency of the presidency he has secured four large buildings, a central heating plant, increased equipment for all departments and large appropriations from Congress. 
Among the summer schools for colored teachers to be held during vacation are those at Hampton, Knoxville, Manassas and Nashville.

Transcription Notes:
First time transcribing a document and I would appreciate any and all feedback so I can improve and continue helping to transcribe documents. - Sincerely, Transcriber