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representative Jones, of Virginia, has been seeking to have the appropriation of $15,000 for the support of the Indian pupils of Hampton restored to the appropriation bill. He said among other things: "I have heard it whispered around there were Negroes educated at the Hampton school as well as Indians. I wish to say in respect to this that whilst this is true, it is also true that the Negro students and the Indians occupy different dormitories and are not even brought together in the mess halls.
"The Indians have never objected to the presence of Negroes at this school. No complaint has ever come from the white inhabitants of Hampton and the state of Virginia has never withheld from this school her bounty because Indians and Negroes met together in the lecture halls and shops and on the experimental farms. Moreover, in the space of a third of a century this is the first time this argument has been advanced here in support of the proposition to take from the Indians the very best educational facilities they have ever enjoyed. There has never been the slightest friction between the two races in all these years at Hampton. They are not brought together in the dormitories or in the dining rooms, and there has never been complaint on the part of any Indian because of the fact that they meet in the classrooms, the shops and the fields."
The amendment was lost, however.
At the second annual session of the Arkansas Suffrage League nearly 800 colored men were in attendance. They elected J.E. Bush president and G. W. Hayman secretary. 
Col. John R. Lynch, a retired paymaster of the United States Army and former member of the United States House of representatives from Mississippi, availed himself recently of his right to a seat on the floor at the House. The Georgia doorkeeper wished to prevent him, but speaker Clark admitted him. 
The Iowa Papers are conceding that George H. Woodson, a colored lawyer of Buxton will probably go to legislature. 
There was a single colored delegate at the Socialist National Convention held in Indianapolis in May, Mr. S. C. Garrison of Montpelier, Ind. Mr. Garrison's career as a Socialist has been an interesting one. He joined the party in 1897, while a minister in the A. M. E. Church. When holding charge at Muncie, Ind., he held Socialist meetings in the Baptist and Methodist 

He is Shaking Hands with President R. R. Wright, Sr.]]


Churches. This, however, proved displeasing to the white employers of colored labor in the town, and the colored men, becoming fearful of losing their positions, compelled him to desist. He was asked to take charge of a small colored congregation in Montpelier Ind., and when, owing to economic changes, his congregation moved away from the place, the white Socialists, whom he had organized into a local, begged him to remain. They made him an organizer and he was then able to devote his whole time to Socialism. He is organizer in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and he was sent as a delegate to the convention chiefly by the white Socialists. 

¶ Atlantic City has decided to adopt the commission form of government. At a recent primary election ten candidates for the five commissionships were nominated. Dr, N. Ln. Hawkins, a colored physician, was second on the list. 

¶ Both Houses of Congress have finally agreed to submit to the States an amendment to the Constitution providing for the direct election of United States Senators. The attempt to forbid the control of these elections by the United States was defeated. It will be remembered that a year ago this question aroused in discussion in regard to Negro disfranchisement, the South fearing that if the United States has the right to control elections colored men might be allowed to vote. 

¶ At the Democratic primaries in the District of Columbia it is charged that colored voters were debarred from voting.


At the General Conference of the M.E. Church steps were taken to lay before the annual conferences a proposition permitting racial bishops to be elected. The colored delegates, being unable to elect a Negro bisop at present, threw their strength t the election of President W.P. Thirkield of Howard. I. Garland Penn was elected secretary of the Freedmen's Aid Society to succeed Dr. M.C.B. Mason, who has held that position for the last sixteen years. The General Conference adopted resolutions commending Dr. Mason's services in the highest terms. 

¶ At the conference of the Zion Church no new bishops were elected, but considerable constructive legislation was passed. 
¶ At the General Conference of the A.M.E. Church four bishops were elected: Rev. John E. Hurst of Washington, D.C., formerly financial secretary; REv. J.M. Conner of Arkansas, Rev. Joshua H. Jones of Ohio and Rev. W. D. Chappelle of South Carolina. Rev. R. C. Ransom was made editor of the review and R.R. Wright, Jr., editor of the recorder; J. L. Hawkins, financial secretary; J. W. Rankin, missionary secretary; J.I.Lowe, manager of book concern, and Ira Bryant, manager of the Sunday-school Union. Bishop H.M. Turner, the veteran senior bishop, was retired.
¶ The Rev. D.L. Ferguson, colored rector of the Church of Our Merciful Saviour, at Louisville, Ky., has been selected to preach the annual sermon before the Episcopal Council of the Diocese of Kentucky next year. Nearly all the ministers of this council are Southern white men. 
¶ The thirty-eighth annual convention of the New England Baptist Missionary Association was held in Orange, N.J., June 11 to 13. One thousand delegates attended. 


¶ The national board of the Y.W.C.A., under the direction of Mrs. W.A. Hunton, held its first conference of colored workers in New York City last month. Among the speakers were Mrs. B.K. Bruce, Mrs. Betty Francis and Miss Hallie Q. Brown. Plans for a new building in New York to cost $100,000 were announced. 
¶ The eighth biennial meeting of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs will convene at Hampton Institute July 23 to 27. Miss Elizabeth C. Carter of New Bedford is president and Miss Ida R. Cummings, 1234 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Md., is secretary. Report blanks can be had of the secretary. A large attendance is expected.
¶ The annual meeting of the Iowa Federation of Colored Women's Clubs was held in Des Moines. 
¶ A Y.M.C.A. conference of colored students, with delegates from twenty-eight leading schools, was held for ten days at Kings Mountain, N.C. 
¶ The seventeenth Atlanta conference for study of Negro problems was held at Atlanta University. The printed volume of last year's report on the "Common School and the Negro-American," a volume of 140, pages, 

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