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was distributed at the conference. This year the subject of the "Negro Artisan" was taken up.
¶ The third annual session of the Pan-Missouri Colored Medical Association was attended by sixty-five colored physicians.
On May 19 the gangplank of the steamship "Flyer" broke while she was moored at her dock in Seattle, and sixty persons were thrown into the water. A little black boy who was on the wharf polishing shoes rushed down to the ship when he heard the cries and, throwing off his clothes, plunged overboard without a moment's hesitation.

[[?]][[image: NEWTON JOHNS]]

"I declare to you," said one of the passengers who saw the thing, "I never saw such a beautiful sight in my life as that black-skinned little shaver making himself ready to save those struggling, helpless women and babies in the water. Everybody cheered him when he made his first dive, and when he made his second there was another cheer--but a cheer that sounded like a choking prayer fluttering fearfully out of a hundred appalled hearts. He was not the only hero, of course, but some way, when I hear of heroes after this, I shall always have a picture in my mind of a black youngster stripping himself and diving into the water after drowning women and children."
The boy, whose name was Newton Johns, saved four persons who were about to drown and was the "conspicuous hero" of the disaster. The mayor sought him out and warmly congratulated him.
¶ The Louisville National Medical College, after twenty-four years' existence, has been closed, not being able to come up to the requirements of the Kentucky State Board of Health.
¶ The Washington Dramatic Club, of which Mrs. Anna J. Cooper is director, recently gave Shakespeare's "Midsummer's Night's Dream" at the Howard Theatre. Mrs. Julia Wornley McAdoo and Miss Louise Europe helped in the production.
¶ The Southern Sociological Congress at its Nashville meeting declared that the congress should plan among other things "the solving of the race problem in a spirit of helpfulness to the Negro and with equal justice to both races." Among the speakers was one colored man, Dr. George L. Haynes, of Fisk University. 
¶ The University Commission of Southern Race Questions, composed of eleven representatives of Southern white State universities, has been permanently organized, with Professor C. H. Brough, of the University of Arkansas, as chairman.
¶ Cleveland Evans, a colored man, nearly lost his life in rescuing a white woman from drowning at Augusta, Ga.
A COLORED man is about to build a $5,000 restaurant on Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore.
¶ The colored Y. M. C. A. building of Washington, D. C., which cost $100,000, has just been opened on 12th Street. Secretary of War Stimson delivered the dedicatory



address. The cornerstone was laid by ex-President Roosevelt in 1907. The building is four stories high with a basement; in the basement is a barber shop, swimming pool and Turkish bath; on the first floor are the reading rooms and parlors, lodge rooms, committee rooms and gymnasium; on the second floor is an assembly hall, boys' department, classrooms and offices; the third and fourth floors are occupied by forty-four dormitories.

HOWARD DREW, the young colored athlete who defeated Craig, the Michigan sprinter, at the 100-meter distance in the fast time of ten and four-fifth seconds, hails from Virginia, and now lives in Springfield, Mass. drew is a good baseball and football player, and was captain of last year's track team and this year's track team at Springfield High School. He won for his high school last year the New England interscholastic championship at Harvard Stadium, and this tear won three first places in the scholastic meet at Dartmouth, two firsts at Yale scholastic games, and was timed nine and four-fifth seconds for the 100-yard dash at Amherst. Representing the South Boston Athletic Club last year in the New England, at the A. A. U. national championships at Pittsburgh, he won the junior championship of the United States in the 100-yard dash, and also a place in the Canadian championships at Montreal, after being put one yard behind scratch for false starting.
Drew has been chosen on the American Olympic team for the Stockholm games.
¶ Theodore Cable, the champion hammer thrower of Harvard, stands a chance of being elected captain of the varsity track team.
¶ Jackson Gordon, for fourteen years messenger of the offices of the board of assessors in Chicago, is dead.
¶ Mrs. Emeline Jones, who died June 9, was a well-known New York caterer. President Arthur offered her the position to cook at the White House, but she refused; she was patronized by the rich people of New York and was the originator of "Saratoga chips."
¶ Thomas McKnight, once collector of the port of Tampa, Fla., is dead.
¶ Richard Allen, for twenty-six years an employee of the First National Bank of Kansas City, Mo., has carried millions of dollars of the bank's funds. He is commissioned as deputy policeman and has the absolute confidence of the bank.
¶ Mr. Caseley Hayford Barrister, at Law, Gold Coast, Africa, who has been in England for the past two months on important business in connection with native affairs in that colony, is returning home to being work on a "Life of Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden." This duty was imposed on him by Dr. Blyden when he visited the coast some years ago. Mr. Hayford will be grateful to any friends of Dr. Blyden, in America, who can furnish him with reminiscences or any data for this work. Mr. Hayford's address is Anona Chambers, Sekondi, Gold Coast, Africa.

THE movement to keep Negros from buying property in desirable sections in cities is moving on apace. In Mooresville, N. C., Mr. A. Coble, who had been owning land in McLelland Avenue for four years,

Transcription Notes:
2 Picture and Double Column with Picture in the Middle. Not sure if the middle image was placed in the correct spot in the text.