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The World To-day Is Calling for College-trained Men and Women. 

It has been found that out of every one hundred pupils in the graded schools only seven reach the high school and less than two per cent. go to college. Lack of means is found to be the primary cause. But a way has been opened by the World's Cyclopedia Company to overcome the handicap of money. A little energy on your part and the goal is won! 

We want high-class student canvassers, and a little work on their part will insure a college career at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Smith, Wellesley, Radcliffe, etc.

The tuition fee at any of the colleges named averages $150.00 and to any high school student who secures one hundred and fifty bona fide subscriptions to Murray's Historical and Biographical Encyclopedia of the Colored Race Throughout the World, the World's Cyclopedia Company will pay one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) as a bonus in addition to regular commission of 10 per cent. Even if you fail to reach the mark you will have your 10 per cent. 

If you are now in college you are also eligible to enter this contest. Note that it is not limited to the first student, but open to every student. 

If you are ambitious, and wish to take advantage of this splendid offer, write the Scholarship Department of the WORLD'S CYCLOPEDIA COMPANY at Washington, D.C. - P.O. Box 2379 - for full information and literary outfit. 

This Beautiful Watch 
[[image - A pocket watch[[ 
Gold-filled Case. Guaranteed 20 Years. Elgin or Waltham Movement.
We were fortunate in being able to secure this handsome watch from one of the largest dealers in New York City. Seldom has such a low price been duplicated on such a high-grade watch. Ladies' or gentlemen's size. Suitable as a Xmas or birthday gift. Sent prepaid on receipt of price. 
The Dunbar Company
26 Vesey Street New York City

Oratorio, Concert, Recital, Pupils. Large repertoire. Engagements accepted. Special inducements to College Athletic Associations
Studio- 514 East 33d Street, Chicago, Ill.

Biggers' Business and Industrial College 
(An Institution of Modern Methods)
Prepares Teachers, Stenographers, Book-keepers and Clerks; grants certificates and diplomas and secures positions for all persons completing courses through mail or in our Home College. Write for particulars.
C. A. BIGGERS, A. M., President
1202 Frederick St. Houston Texas.

Buy Direct from the Producer
Save Importer's, Wholesaler's, and Retailer's Profits.
[[image - An ostrich feather]]
This magnificent French Curl Ostrich Plume is full 17 inches in length, made of the highest grade hard flue ostrich selected from the male bird. Has a very glossy fiber and is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Let us send you this Plume on approval. Send us 15c to pay express charges, and we will send you this beautiful plume in black, white or colors, to your express office C.O.D. with privilege of examination. If satisfactory pay the express agent $1.95 and the Plume is yours. If, however, you do not think this the most marvelous value you ever saw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5.00, tell the express agent to return the Plume to us and we will refund your 15c. Or, if you prefer to send the full amount, $1.95, we will send the Plume by return mail, postage prepaid, and if not satisfactory, we will promptly refund your money. We take all the risk. For complete line of Ostrich Feathers, including bargains in Willow Plumes, write for free catalog. 
South African Importing Co., Dept Cr 1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago. 
[[image - Pointing hand]] Your old feathers made into beautiful Willow Plumes. Send them to us and we will quote you a price.


Vol. 5, No. 1 NOVEMBER, 1912 Whole No. 25

[[image - Two men using surveying equipment]]


COLORED women will vote in the next presidential election as follows:

California ----------  6,936
Colorado ------------  3,861
Idaho ---------------    187
Utah ----------------    313
Washington ----------  1,697
Wyoming -------------    494
Total (six States) -- 13,488

In Kentucky women are being allowed to vote in school elections. A report comes from Hopkinsville showing that more interest is being taken in registration by the colored women than by the white women, 190 of the former registering as against 85 whites.
Laurens County, Ga., had in 1900, 14565 white persons and 11,338 colored persons. To-day it probably has at least 30,000 inhabitants, and perhaps 6,000 males of voting age. There were registered in October 3,781 qualified voters, of whom only fifty-four were Negroes. A report in the Savannah News says: "It is probable that there will not be a single Negro vote cast here."

It is probably that woman's suffrage will be inaugurated in Hawaii within a short time ant that no color line will be drawn.


DEAL JACKSON, a Negro, brought to market in South Georgia, on September 3, the first bale of cotton made this season in the entire South. He has both white and colored tenants on his farm.

A. H. Holmes, a prominent Negro farmer, has grown two acres of rice at McRae, Ga., in a region where it was not thought hitherto that rice could be raised. 

After a long fight for excluding Negroes the Molders' International Union of America is again considering the question of admitting them. One speaker said in their last convention:

"The Negro has demonstrated that he is a capable mechanic, and is quite able to fill the place of the white laborer. The Southern foundry managers are making capital out of the race prejudice between the white and the colored molders, and if we do not raise the colored worker to our standard he will drag us down to his. 

"We can hardly find language strong enough to express our opinion of the feudal lords, when we consider the days when the laborer was bought and sold with the land. Our evolution from a condition of slavery to the freedom that we now enjoy was slow, but we now withhold our aid from the Negro, who is trying to gain the same freedom. 

"How can you get the Negro organized unless you are willing to meet with him? His interests are identical with yours. Everyone knows that this condition will have to be met, yet some of us want to postpone the day and let others take the responsibility. Do not let your race prejudice warp your judgment."

Transcription Notes:
Images: 1. A pocket watch 2. An ostrich feather 3. Pointing hand 4. Two men using surveying equipment