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¶ In the waiters' strike in Boston eighty colored waiters from New York were brought in as strikebreakers.

¶ Two thousand five hundred colored cotton pickers are at work on the 8,000 acres of cotton which the Taft ranch, of San Patricio County of Texas, has planted.

¶ In Columbus, O., there are 121 colored people in business and twenty-five in the professions.  Among the businesses represented are six coal dealers, four confectioners, three contractors, three feed merchants, four hotels, eight restaurants and five shoemakers. 

¶ In Houston, Tex., the colored people have thirty barber shops, one bank, one dry goods store, three undertaking establishments, two bakeries, six printing offices, forty groceries, five newspapers, twelve contractors, one brickyard, nine lawyers, four dentists, sixteen doctors three drug stores, ten real-estate agents, six notary publics, five peace officers, two carriage and wagon manufactories, twenty-one blacksmith shops, thirty restaurants, four hotels, two insurance associations, one badge factory, two beauty parlors, three jewelers, four ice-cream factories, one business college, two night schools, two architects, sixteen hucksters, fourteen trained nurses, twelve music teachers, fifty dress makers, one kindergarten, six manicurists, two chiropodists, one veterinary surgeon, three cemeteries, eighteen painters, six cabinetmakers, three plasterers, one sign painter, one second-hand store, six cement contractors, two stone cutters, fourteen brick masons, three tailor shops, four hack lines, two steam laundries and two photographers.

¶ In Bryan, Tex., the wages of colored laborers have been gradually increasing until they get from $1.50 to $2.50 a day. Among them will be found bricklayers, carpenters, grocers, real-estate agents, insurance agents, barbers and one physician. All of these are meeting with success. A colored undertaking establishment, recently begun with a capital of $2,000, is receiving support. Negros are rapidly buying property and building better homes, thus causing the whites who have colored renters to put up more comfortable houses. In and near Bryan are Negroes owning from 500 to 1,000 acres of some of the best land in this State.

¶ M. Delcasse, French Minister of Marine, has appointed Captain Motenot to the full command of a war vessel. M. Moltenot is a full-blooded Negro.


THE national committee of management of the m=Mosaic Templars of America have had their annual meeting in Little Rock, Ark. They are bout to invest $70,000 in securities and real estate, and have $51,000 in their endowment fund.

¶ Augusta, Ga., has a colored civic and improvement league, supported by membership fees. They have supported during the summer two playgrounds for children, done neighborhood work and plan to employ a colored district nurse.

¶ The seventh annual report of the colored branch library of Louisville, Ky., shows that the circulation has grown from 17,831 the first year to 73.462. The books were loaned from the central branch and three stations and through forty-eight classroom collections. Thirty per cent. of the circulation was fiction; the attendance at the story hour was 1,873; 1,582 reference questions were looked up and 244 meetings held.

¶ A colored community named Norwood, near Indianapolis, is to have a public library with about 1,000 books. Miss Ada B. Harris, principal of the local school, has been chief promoter of the project, and the citizens themselves have cleaned and remodeled the building, while local firms have given much of the furniture.

¶ Colorado College has a colored athlete by the name of Homes. He has done 100 yards in ten seconds. THe Denver Post says:
"Holmes will be the target of every player in the State. On account of his color there will be a general demand to see him leaving the field on a stretcher, but anyone that knows the way Holmes can play football will be safe enough in venturing to say that he will be able to take care of himself"

¶ A package of currency containing $55,000 was mysteriously extracted from a shipment by the First National Bank of Pensacola, Fla. It was recently found in the rear of the bank by the Negro janitor and turned over to the authorities.

¶ A group of colored people at Nyack, N. Y., recently gave an entertainment and raised $130 for the benefit of the Nyack Hospital.

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¶ Chattanooga, Tenn., has established a colored park and playground for the colored people by purchasing nince and one-half acres on Orchard Knob.

¶ New Orleans is going to attempt a Negro daily newspaper called The Daily Spokesman. The paper is to have its own printing plant.

¶ The women's convention, auxiliary to the Ntional Baptist Convention, reported for the fiscal year $26,968 raised. Of this $18,992 was spent on the Mational Training School. Local organizations raised $8,000 in addition to this.


THE fight against colored schools still goes on in certain parts of the South. Louisiana, which has by far the largest percentage of colored illiteracy of any State in the United States, is especially active in spoiling the Negro schools.  New Orleans stops the education of colored children with the sixth grade and has recently appointed to the colored schools twenty-four white teachers, who will go to the colored schools to get experience, adn after a month or two will be appointed to white schools and other raw recruits appointed to take their places. The board has also refused to establish a night school for colored people. The excuse given for not appointing colored teachers was that only five passed the examination; but the charge is made that the board did not intend that colored teachers should pass the examination under any circimstances.

¶ A colored man sends the following letter to a New Orleans paper:
September 15, 1912.
Editor The Item,
Dear Sir:
It is not clear to us why the school board at its last meeting assigned twenty-four white mornal girls to teach in the colored public schools. Can it be that colored schools are the best places for the normal girls to secure experience in order to teach white children? Or is it true that, contrary to the long-cherished traditions of the South, these girls prefer to serve colored children to children of their own race? Perhaps these postitions were given to control votes; maybe to save the ring from defeat. However, in justice to the colored children of this city, these schools ought to be taught by colored teachers, as there ought to be no semblance of social equality in our schools. These normal girls are placing themselves in a position where they are not wanted, and, in justice to themselves and their friends, they ought to immediately resign.
Very respectfully yours,

¶ The legislature of Louisiana has ordered the Southern University, a colored State school, to sell all its property in New Orleans and find a location in the country.

¶ Allen LeRoy Locke, formerly a Rhodes scholar and a graduate of Harvard, has accepted the position of assistant professor of English in the Teachers' College, Howard University.

¶ Dr. Charles H. Marshall has been appointed a memeber of the board of education of the District of Columbia. He is a graduate of the Union University, Richmond, and of the Howard University Medical School.

¶ School No. 91, in Baltimore, has been turned over to the colored pupils. It was formerly a white school. There was much opposition to the transfer. 

¶ Miss Clara M. Standish of Talladega College, Ala., writes to the New Bedford Standard:
"One-half of the negroes get no schooling whatever. The average child in the South, white as well as black, who attends school at all, stops with the third grade. In schoolhouses costing an average of $275 each, under teachers receiving an average salary of $25 a month, the children in actual attendance received five cents' worth of education a day for forty-seven days only in the year."

¶ New Negro schools are being built at Tampa, Fla., and Fernwood, Miss., by State authorities. Negroes themselves are starting institutions in Helena, Ark., and Pine Bluff, Ark.

¶ Mr. W. T. S. Jackson, a teacher in the M Street High School, Washington, and a graduate of Amherst College, has been made