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timony, as it is Negroes with who he associates.  His alibi was apparently made out as well as a Negro alibi could have been proven."

[[paragraph]] The special grand jury investigating the lynching of Robert Johnson at Pineville, W. Va., refused to indict the lynchers, although there seems to be no reasonable doubt that the murdered man was not guilty.


SAMUEL COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, the distinguished composer who died after a four days' illness of pneumonia in London, Eng., on September 1, was buried at Croyden on September 5.  The service was held in St. Michael's Church.

W.J. Read, violinist, played the slow movement from Mr. Coleridge-Taylor's violin sonata, and Julien Henry sung "When I Am Dead, My Dearest," selection from the "Six Sorrow Songs," dedicated to the dead composer's wife.

While the body was being removed from the church the funeral march of "Minnehaha," from "Hiawatha," was played by H.L. Balfour, organist of the Royal Choral Society.

Wreaths and flowers from all the principal musical organizations of London, as well as from many professional musicians and friends, were received, and two open broughams filled with wreaths headed the cortege.

Mr. William Speights, tenor, an intelligent singer of skill in the use of his voice and in clear dictions, gave an exacting program before a large and enthusiastic audience at Steinert Hall, Boston, Mass., on September 18.  He was assisted by Mr. J. Shelton Pollen, pianist, and Mr. Clarence Cameron White, violinist.  Mrs. Clarence C. White was the efficient accompanist.

Mr. Speights, who graduated from New England Conservatory of Music last June, has opened a studio for pupils in vocal training.

A recital was given on September 5 by Mr. J. Elmer Spyglass, baritone, of Toledo, O., at the Trinity Congregational Church, at Pittsburgh, Pa.

Miss Hazel Harrison, the talented young pianist of La Porte, Ind., has been studying under Hugo Van Dalen, in Berlin, Germany, for the past year.  She has lately met with the good fortune of having been accepted as a pupil by the distinguished pianist and teacher, Ferrucio Busoni.

Miss Harrison will be heard in concert work during her stay in Berlin.

Miss Helen E. Hagan, pianist, of New Haven, Conn., will begin her student life in France under particularly sad circumstances.  She sailed on August 31 for Paris, where she is to study composition and to continue her work in pianoforte.  A few days after her departure her mother dies at New Haven.  Miss Hagan is remembered as the recipient of the Sanford Fellowship at the Yale Conservatory of Music at the last commencement.

"Christophe," an Haitian tragedy, written by Mr. William Edgar Easton of Los Angeles, Cal., was presented this summer at the Gamut Auditorium at Los Angeles.  The play is laid in the early nineteenth century, during the brief reign of Christophe.  Special music was arranged for the play and given by Wheaton's Orchestra.

Mrs. E. Azalia Hackley, soprano, gave an illustrated lecture and demonstration in voice culture on September 20, at St. John's Church at Springfield, Mass.  The Springfield Republican notes that 'Mrs. Hackley sought to instruct and elevate her audience in the simplest and most unconscious way.

"Her voice is very rich and full and her high notes ran to tremendous power, having noteworthy force and clearness."

Mrs. Hackley gave a retiring lecture-recital in Jordan Hall, Boston, Mass., on the night of September 30, and was greeted by an appreciative audience.

Mrs. Hackley is not in the fulness of her powers, and it is to be regretted that her splendidly trained voice of remarkable range and clearness is not to be heard again in concert work in Boston.

Mrs. Hackley played her own accompaniments.

One October 8, at the Church of the Holy Spirity, Mattapan, Mass., Mr. Wm. H. Richardson, baritone, of Boston, assisted Mrs. Maud Cuney Hare, accompanist, appeared in an afternoon song before the Woman's Club, of which Mrs. Francis Peabody, Jr., is president.

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WHEN the twenty-nine colored men met at Niagara Falls in 1905 and stemmed the tide of abject surrender to oppression among Negroes, Frederick L. McGhee of St. Paul was a central figure; and he is the first of that faithful group to die.  He was born in Mississippi on the eve of the Civil War, educated in Tennessee and studied law with the well-known E.H. Morris of Chicago.  In 1889 he began to practice in St. Paul, and he became, as the years went by, one of the great criminal lawyers of the Northwest.

But McGhee was not simply a lawyer.  He was a staunch advocate of democracy, and because he knew by bitter experience how his own dark face had served as excuse for discouraging him and discriminating unfairly against him, he became especially an advocate of the rights of colored men.  He stood like a wall against encroachment of color caste in the Northwest and his influence and his purse were ever ready to help.  As a prominent member of the Catholic church and a friend of Archbishop Ireland and others, he was in position to render unusual service.  

He died at 51, leaving a widow and one daughter.  His pallbearers were among the most prominent men, white and colored, 
