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Miss Clotee Scott, a young colored woman, has opened up a settlement house for Negroes in Hyde Park, a suburb of Chicago.

The large Kaufman department store in Pittsburgh, Pa., has installed colored elevator men in the place of white ones.

John D. Rockerfeller has subscribed $2,500 to the National League on Urban Conditions, located in New York City, provided the league raises the additional $13,500 of the budget of $16,000.

On the last day of the fall meeting on the Douglass Park Racing Association in Louisville, Ky., Clubs, a horse owned by a colored man and ridden by a colored jockey, Dishmon, ran two miles in within two-fifths of a second of the world's record and won the cup race.

The Negroes of Kansas City, Mo., are attempting to raise $30,000 for a colored hospital, as the colored people of that city have few hospital facilities. Recently the Kansas City colored people raised $30,000 for a Y. M. C. A.

A certain man whose name is not given has written to the editor of the New York Globe offering the use of a number of large houses in New Jersey, about an hour's ride from New York, to be used as a social settlement for Negroes.

At a recent baby show held in Fall River, Mass., the first prize was won by a one-year-old colored baby, the only colored entrant in the contest.

A National Tennis Association was recently organized in Baltimore by colored delegates representing that city, Washington and Philadelphia. All cities in which there are tennis clubs will be invited to join the association. Dr. Henry Freeman, of Washington, is president and Mr. Adams. of Philadelphia, secretary-treasurer of the association.

Colored women in Birmingham, Ala., have formed an anti-tuberculosis club. There are absolutely no provisions made for colored people at the Birmingham tuberculosis camp.

Miss Minnie D. Woodward, a graduate of the nurse-training department of Meharry Medical College, is the first colored girl who has received a certificate of registration
[[photo]] MISS M. D. WOODARD.
as a trained nurse issued by authority of the State board of nurse examiners of Tennessee. This certificate was obtained through the efforts of the Nashville Negro board of trade, which took the matter up almost two years ago. Even after the board had won its case there were objections from the white nurses in the State.


THE American Colonization Society has paid over to Liberia $60,000 for the education of the children of the Negro republic. This was the gift of Caroline Donovan, bequeathed twenty-seven years ago, but legally involved up to this time.

Eight Southern States were represented in the second annual meeting of the Association of Negro Industrial and Secondary Schools held as 26 Vesey Street. The association adopted a constitution and plans.

Both in Savannah and Atlanta, Ga., thousands of colored school children have been turned away from the schools because there is no room for them. In Atlanta some of the largest grades are in the damp, dark basements. A new school has been promised Savannah next year, which will alleviate conditions somewhat.

A building valued at $9,500 has been purchased for the Chicago Colored Religious Seminary. This school has been in existence for more than a year, but up to this
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time has held its session in Olivet Church, Chicago.

The Negroes of Greenville, S. C., are making an effort to raise money for the improvement of their school facilities.

The board of education of Washington, D. C., has asked Congress for an appropriation of $500,000 for a new colored high school.

Southern University, formerly at New Orleans, but now at Iberia, La., established some time back in the 70's, has, in the person of Mr. J. S. Clark, its first colored president.

Sayer Business College, in Pasadena, Cal., has opened its doors to a colored student for the first time, in the person of Miss Margie L. Danley.

The board of education of Washington, D. C., has sent a request to Howard University asking the university to establish extension courses leading to the first degree in arts and science for the public-school teachers.

In Maseru, the chief town of Basutoland, South Africa, there are 250 schools for Negroes, with a total attendance of 12,175.


WHEN Miss Kitty Cheatham gave her song recital in the Royal Academic High School for Music, at the invitation of the University of Berlin, she concluded the first part of her program with Negro numbers - a Paul Laurence Dunbar excerpt and some specially requested Negro songs.

Mme. Lillian Nordica and the artists of her party, Paul Dufault, Franklin Holding and Romayne Simmons, with whom she appeared in concerts at the Hawaiian Opera House this summer, were guests of ex-Queen Liliuokalani, at her home in Honolulu. Hawaiian airs were played by a string quartet.

On October 15 a concert was given in Boston by the Samuel Taylor Choral Society, Mr. Samuel Stewart, director. The chorus, which was organized by Forrest Whitaker, was assisted by Mr. Gerald Taylor, baritone, of St. Louis; Mrs. Florence Cole-Talbert, soprano, of Los Angeles; Mr. Le Roy Godman, tenor, of Columbus, O., and Mr. Stewart, organist. The accompanists were Miss Edith Quann, Mr. Lionel Jones and Mr. Cleveland Lemons.

Among the novelties heard at the Peterboro music festival, Peterboro, N. H., under the direction of Mrs. MacDowell, was the Negro rhapsody by Henry F. Gilbert, who has before shown his interest in the Negro idiom. This rhapsody, which is said to have distinct musical value and to be superior to his "comedy" overture (based on Negro themes), both in texture of musical ideas and quality of workmanship, was performed for the first time last June at Norfolk, Conn.

R. N. Dett, a colored Canadian, who is teaching music at the Hampton Institute, is a composer of note. Especially notable are two suites characteristic of Negro life: "In the Bottoms" and "Magnolias."

Clarence Cameron White, with Mrs. M. P. Merrill and Miss M. E. Smith, vocalists, and the piano players, gave a very successful recital at Chicago in October.  

A. P. Razafkeriefo, a colored youth of New York, is a composer of merit though little known. One of his songs, "Baltimore," is being sung by a Broadway star in the "Passing Show of 1913."

Miss Ira Aldrich, daughter of the celebrated tragedian of the same name, is becoming known as a composer in England under the nom de plume of Montague Ring. Miss Aldrich's "Three African Dances" were favorites at their majesties' ball at Buckingham Palace July 23, and her "Have You Forgotten?" waltz is becoming the usual thing in theatre orchestras and at public and private dances.


MRS. SARAH FIELDS, of 246 Carroll Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., widow of Hugh Fields, in order to secure her husband's pension, needs the affidavits of two witnesses to his first wife's burial. The first Mrs. Fields died twenty-two years ago at Millsboro, Va. Mrs. Fields is in urgent need of this pension. Will readers of THE CRISIS help her to secure the evidence she needs?

Prof. Earl Finch, a prominent young colored educator, who for the past few years has been dean of the college department in Wilberforce University, is dead.

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