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Five colored postal clerks in Georgia are said to have been dismissed without trial.

Because substation No. 126 of the Brooklyn (N. Y.) postoffice had two colored carriers whom the people are said to have complained about, the station has been discontinued. That station was in charge of a Southern Democrat, H. P. Hill.

Two policemen and three plain-clothes men are stationed near the house of Charles Shipley, a colored resident of 708 Madison Avenue, Baltimore. Shipley has received threatening letters signed: "Committee of Decent White Citizens Against Negro Invasion." One of the letters said that dynamite would be used by a member of the "Black Hand" society.

The colored people of Baltimore are preparing to fight segregation. At the last report they had raised $230 and were waiting for the Court of Appeals to give its detailed opinions before taking any definite steps.

The white residents of Baltimore County are now clamoring for the same segregation ordinance as has been passed for the city.

Representative John J. Rogers, from Massachusetts, has asked the House to investigate the alleged segregation of Negros in the government employ.

It is said that there is a movement on foot to assign white officers to the colored regiment of infantry in New York.

W. L. Delaney, the new collector of customs in Key West, Fla., has discharged the colored officeholders under him by either discontinuing or abolishing the offices which they held.

Frederick Anderson, a colored farmer, who lives near Richardson, Tex., was arrested by a constable and told that he was accused of two crimes and had better plead guilty to one, so as to be released from the other. What these crimes were was not specified. Anderson was fined $25 after three days' detention in jail, but says that he was not taken into a courtroom or before a justice of the peace. While he was imprisoned eight bales of cotton and fifteen loads of hay were taken from his farm. The case has been taken before the grand jury.


THE following lynchings have occurred during the past month:

At Hazlehurst, Miss., Wilson Evans, a young colored man, charged with attacking a white girl.

At Ocala, Fla., an unknown Negro found hanging from a tree. No other facts are known.

At Monroe, La., Warren Eaton, accused of making an insulting remark to a white woman.

At Madison, La., a Negro accused of assaulting a white girl.

One Negro was killed in a race riot in Joliet, Ill., caused by the attempts of a Negro to free a colored woman who was in prison.

Charles Myers, who is in prison in Jonesboro, Ark., under a death sentence, may be freed. The prosecuting witness, Malissa Johns, now says that Myers did not attack her, but that her injuries were caused by a fall, and the other witnesses also admit false testimony.

George Still, a white watchman on Mayo's bridge, Richmond, Va., who was charged with the murder of George Washington, an aged colored man, by a blow, has been acquitted.

Henry Williams, a colored man, was killed by two white officers in Laurenburg [[Laurinburg]], N. C., in a fray between the three men.

J. M. Wilker shot and mortally wounded a Negro in Memphis, who brushed up against him on the sidewalk.

Four men have been charged with night riding and posting threatening letters to Negroes in the vicinity of Jonesboro, Ark.

An unknown white man, with his face blackened like a Negro, robbed a woman in Tennessee, leaving her senseless. It happened in this case that some of the burnt cork rubbed off, giving the police a clue and preventing the lynching of an innocent Negro.

The colored citizens of El Centro, Cal., threaten  to withdraw their patronage from a "Jim Crow" school established in the redlight district of that city. This school is carried on in violation of the law, and Negroes cannot be forced to send their children there.

[[image - drawing of a sculture]]


OCALA, Fla., has 3,000 colored inhabitants, and there are 12,000 others in the surrounding county. This has offered a chance for industrial co-operation. There is a thriving sea-island cotton factory, considerable exporting of moss and velvet beans, while colored men have numerous stores and are supporting professional men.

Recently the Metropolitan Realty and Investment Company has been organized and has erected a $20,000 building. In this a bank with a capital of $25,000 has been located. The president of the company, George Giles, is a large holder of real estate. The vice-president, Joseph L. Wiley, is the founder of Fessenden Academy, and the cashier, F. P. Gadson is the owner of the largest dry-goods and notion store owned by a colored man in the United States. Other directors are Dr. Williams, a well-to-do physician, Messrs. A. S. Richardson, D. W. Goodwin, Charles Stewart, J. S. LaRoche, N. T. Brown and S. H. Hadley.


DR. EDWARD DUNN BROWN was born in Newbern N.C., May 27, 1877 and died this spring in Chicago. He was educated at the University of Pennsylvania,

[[[image - photograph of a bank building]]

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