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blooming. my Thanksgiving dinner went off well. we had a small fowl it was very tender & squash, onions, sweet potatoes & cranberry sauce, & mince pie. Today we have had the same dinner it was also good. Hazel came over this fore noon to tell about her gale & told me things were all fixed, so not to worry. I guess she & her sister will both take a nap this noon & try to get rested. 
I am glad Doris is having a good time teaching & enjoying trips with the boy friend & that her cold didn't mature. 
Last Wednesday Bertha Reynolds came here & brought us three large jars of grape sauce. that she put up herself for our Thanksgiving. it will seem very much like my mothers we used to have so many grapes on the old place, it was hard to get rid of them. we used to have barberry sauce also nowadays nobody makes barberries into sauce. I liked it then. 
Well now I have another letter to to write so will draw this one to a finish. Ma.