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come out to talk in the kitchen with me. seemed to know how to talk with deaf people, his mother is deaf & lives out west. I have got most of your stitching done & will try to send the bundle along back. as I grow along in years things seem harder to do. it takes longer to thread my needle also.
 I was glad the rain came it poured well left puddles there are too many leaves around a good many have blown away.

Mrs Burk sent me a pretty plant Thursday she was one of the entertaining committee at the [[Chicotaubut?]] & so Mrs Barry another one that sent me a boquet was  Blanche Hammond. I had a good cake for supper that was brought home from there when she came home & she brought her home from the meeting & wouldn't let her help pay for the taxi they were brought home in. she is able to pay her way has lots of money & is good to Blanche she takes me to ride on short trips. I don't care much about going home got used to staying at home. 

The Brides sisters have just had a long Garage put up for their automobile. now there isn't much empty space left around their back yard. We haven't heard from poor Gertrude lately, the last I've heard was that she lay in a comma. too bad she had to go so young & being their main stay. the Hospital over across the way is always well lighted up they say they are very good to their patients. I spoke to the wife of Harland Bruch when she was here to pay the rent & told her that we were waiting for him to pay the money due on the house while they were living there. as he promised Sidney he would & gave her the paper of what extra money there was due while they were there so now we hope they pay it as they probably may do. they are living now in their new home up to Dry Pond they have just built she said. Ma