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Arlington, Va.
12 Nov 1950.

Dear Ma:
I am glad that our furnace pipe was fixed last week for we are having a real chilly spell. Last night I picked all the zinnias that were left in the weedy garden and it made a big bunch for our dining room table. The temp. was 26° early, and it will go as low tonight, though it has been sunny all day. Sun at this season is very pale and without warmth.

Sid + Doris have had a nap, and I was lying on the couch downstairs composing myself for one when the phone rang + Dolores called. So I got Doris down and they talked together and I dropped off for a few minutes while they chatted. Sid and I are going to a tea at the art club in a few minutes. Mrs Egbert is having a showing of some of her work there and called me up to ask me to come, so as she is an old acquaintance of long standing, I feel it was due her to go view her things. Sid is grumbling away as he gets himself ready for the occasion. 

We all spent yesterday afternoon downtown. I had finished my wash, etc. and put in the afternoon working in my Dome while Sid + Doris went to the Lib. of Congress. Young Mike (that's his name) was also there and they brought him home for supper. Afterwards Sid + I left them to go to Biolog meeting, and he was gone when we reached home by 10 o'clock. He is a boyish sort, not very old, and he majored in literature + languages at Harvard and got a cum laude too. He is not very mature, but Doris seems to enjoy his company, and they have a lot of things in common so being both rather homesick for college, they are friendly.