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at a sale and it is a good piece. Then I enclosed a pair of Doris' old pajamas for a pattern for you to make some new ones out of some flannelette that I send ... you can do it for her Xmas present ... and there is an old unionsuit [[union suit]] of Sids that needs patching up too. All this is to occupy you and not for any set occasion, so don't kill yourself rushing on it. I also enclose a check in this letter for you. 

I am glad you went down to call on the Gebhardts, and that you keep in touch with the [[Gilchers?]]. They are all very good friends of yours. 

When the [[Bruces?]] paid their rent last did they pay anything extra? there was about $7 due from taxes on the carpenter shop he built and also for extra water [[?rate]]. I want to keep track of this. Will you write & tell me when you next [[?]] about it.  The bill for their plumbing was about $30 and they agreed to pay that too. 

Bill for plumbing $29.03   
Extra water       $ 2.43    
Tax on shed       $ 7.68
Total             $39.14 due from Bruce

Tuesday is voting day here. Doris school has a holiday then, but she has to put in the time with the teachers working out some sort of schedule with them. 

I have asked Miss Coland & her apt. mate Miss Hawkes out for Thanksgiving. Julia is going somewhere else. I don't suppose Helen + Geoff would be able to get out, or able to entertain either for that matter.

It is time for me to heat up a little soup for supper. Sid won't be very hungry. Doris and I had baked beans & fried potatoes for our meal at noon plus the remains of an apple pie. Those apples we brought back are still good, altho Sid bought another bushel (for $1) at Beltsville from the Dept. Agri. farm that have gone to pieces, rotting , much faster so I baked them, made pies, etc. at a great rate.

Now I must run along.

Transcription Notes:
When writer uses + sign for "and" should it be transcribed with &?