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Arlington, Va. 29 Oct 1950.

Dear Ma:

I hope that you are having as sunny & mild a day as me after last night's rain. The leaves lie thick everywhere but still are not off the trees across the street, and with the sun as low as it is now is, our yard is in the shadow from them most of the day. I shall be glad when they are bare so we can get more sunlight. We are staying at home today. Sid has to write his review of Fernald’s Grays Manual, and Doris is off up in her room studying. I have been doing house work, raking leaves & trying to tidy up around the house where a combination of weeds & leaves makes the yard pretty unkempt.

Dolores came home with Doris last night and stayed overnight. She composed a letter to the young man in Everett for our approval. He hasn't written to her since she came back and she feels very much neglected. So she got off a very good sensible letter full of chatty questions, and I hope he replies to it.

Her folks were thinking of driving up to Winchester to call on an old neighbor today and she had to get up early to go home to be with them. She had bought her little brother Johnny a Halloween costume to wear to a party tomorrow night and was carrying that home with her over-night clothes.

Mrs. Fry, the Smith girl, has been over to dig up some of the plants that I wasn't going to take in for her house. She is expecting her first child in about 6 weeks. She is a bright faced girl who was a nurse before she was married. The English couple next door have to move in 2 weeks as the Bryan family is returning after 2 years in Europe. I hate to see them go, as I prefer them by far. They won't be far away, and want us to be sure to come to see them. Yesterday we drove over to a man's house to